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Dr.KadirTugcu Açılır Kutu Gör

Kayıt Tarihi: 14 Ağu 2008
Durum: Aktif Değil
Puanlar: 119669
Mesajın Direkt Linki Konu: GUMUS sahtekarligi
    Gönderim Zamanı: 08 Oca 2019 Saat 21:44
Bugunlerde, piyasa da, "gumus suyu" ile tedavilerin yapilabilecegin iddia eden, SAHTEKARLAR turemis..
Aman ha!!  40-50 sene evvel ki sahtekarliklarin gunumuzde uyarlanmasidir. 
Son derecede tehlikli bir sahtekarliktir. 

Bu sahtekarligi, dunyada en fazla; Turk KBB doktorlari uygulamislardir.. "Argyrol" denilen yakici Gumus Nitrat
solusyonlarini kulaga damlattirmislar ve pek cok kimsenin, kulak zari yok edilmis ve bunlara "mikrosirurjik" 
yontemlerle, kulak zari ameliyatlari uygulanmistir. 
Asagidaki makaleyi iyi OKUYUN!!!! 
Ingilizce bilmiyorsaniz, bilen birisine okutun….

Misleading Claims for Seasilver™, 22/6/2018
Many of the claims made for Seasilver have been illegal. For example, the company's 2001 booklet "Journey into Foundational Health" falsely stated that silver (one of its ingredients) "has been used successfully in the treatment of over 650 diseases." In 2002, after the FDA issued a warning letter, some claims on the company's Web site were toned down, but many distributor sites still continued to display them. In 2003, coordinated actions by the FDA and FTC stopped the company from selling or distributing their product until it it radically changed its marketing. This article describes what happened and why I believe it it foolish to use the product.

Phyto-Silver™ was said to be "a proprietary blend of Matrix Aloe Vera™ and Sea Vegetables with concentrated phyto-nutrients rich in plant-based, non-metallic, Silver, along with other powerful antioxidant properties and phyto-nutrients in nature's perfect balance." Seasilver-USA's Web site said that, "Silver's greatest attribute is its unique ability to function as a superior second immune system in the body." (Earlier versions of the site described this ingredient as colloidal silver and said: "We get silver from plants. If we cannot assimilate silver for some reason or as the tissues age, we develop a silver deficiency and an impaired immune system."

Silver has no nutritional value and, when taken by mouth, has no therapeutic usefulness. "Silver deficiency" is not a medically recognized condition.

(In August 2004, has an identical article for a different silver product.)

No silver lining for marketers of bogus supplement; federal agencies crack down on health fraud: FTC charges marketers of Seasilver with making false and deceptive claims; FDA seizes seasilver inventories. FTC news release, June 19, 2003.

Düzenleyen Dr.KadirTugcu - 15 Oca 2019 Saat 04:44
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