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Dr.KadirTugcu Açılır Kutu Gör

Kayıt Tarihi: 14 Ağu 2008
Durum: Aktif Değil
Puanlar: 119669
Mesajın Direkt Linki Konu: Alkali su sahtekarligi
    Gönderim Zamanı: 02 Ağu 2018 Saat 06:19
Alkalen su ve pH ile ilgili sahtekarlıkları yapanların piri olan; Robert O. Young'un sahtekar oldugunun ispatı..

Alkalen su ile ilgili halkı aldatan, cihaz satanların tümü SAHTEKARDIR... 
Bu yazı da bunun ispatıdır… 

Young mahkemede mahkum olup, ceza almıştır ama Türkiye'deki aşağılık yandaşlarına karşı hiçbir işlem yapılmamıştır.
Bu sahtekarlara para kaptıranlar, o paraların üstüne soğuk su içsinler…

"Sentencing was delayed Monday during an emotional hearing for Robert O. Young, the bestselling author of the “pH Miracle Diet,” who faces roughly six months behind bars for practicing medicine without a license at his Valley Center estate.

Judge Richard S. Whitney continued Young’s hearing until June 29 so attorneys can resolve issues including Young’s credit for time served. After the sentence is imposed he will return to custody; until then, he remains on house arrest.

Young, 65, entered a plea deal that called for a sentence of three years and eight months, Deputy District Attorney Gina Darvas said Monday. Some of that has already been served, and the remaining time is 306 days. With good behavior, he’ll probably serve half that, Darvas said.

Two speakers Monday said Young deserves a longer sentence.

Moe Felix said his wife, Vicki, died from cancer several years ago after seeking help from Young.

“We desperately were looking for a way to prolong her life,” he said. “You, with an air of arrogance and without the blink of an eye told us you could cure Vicki. You seemed to be the light in the darkness, but you were the darkness.”

When the intravenous treatments Young administered did not seem to be working, the Felixes told Young they were going back to traditional medicine.

Young told them she would “be dead within a week” if she left Young’s care, Felix said, but she left anyway and lived for two more years.

Another witness, Terri Angiano, said she paid a lot of money to attend one of Young’s classes to learn ways to handle her immune disorder, and paid $500 more for an intravenous treatment that didn’t help and made her ill.

“The prices should have been a red flag,” Angiano said. “When you are so tired of being sick, you are ready to take advantage of anything.”

One person, speaking by telephone from Australia, supported Young. Businessman Maurice Vanderhaeghen said that when his wife became terminally ill, he and his family took her to Young’s Valley Center ranch.

They understood it was not a medical treatment, but “a lifestyle treatment” that they agreed to try after conventional medicine had failed, Vanderhaeghen said.

Young was always “very kind and caring,” said Vanderhaeghen, whose wife died at the Valley Center ranch.

Young is not a medical doctor, but has degrees in naturopathy and nutrition from the Clayton College of Natural Health, a nonaccredited correspondence school in Alabama. The college folded in 2010, and in 2011 reportedly was ordered to reimburse former students more than $2.3 million in tuition.

His published books are based on his theory that diseases including cancer are caused by acidity in the body, and that an alkaline diet will improve a person’s health. Treatments at his ranch were based on the same theories.

Young was arrested in 2014 and charged with seven counts of practicing medicine without a license and two counts of grand theft. The trial ended in February 2016 with convictions on two counts of practicing without a license. He was acquitted on a third count, and the jury deadlocked on the rest.

Facing a retrial on the six deadlocked charges, Young entered the guilty plea.

Darvas, in response to Vanderhaeghen’s comments Monday, said it may be difficult for family members to admit that the treatment they chose to spend a lot of money on was unsuccessful.

“The medical examiner made it very clear that the treatment Mrs. Vanderhaeghen received at the ranch hastened her death,” Darvas said.

Young’s defense attorney, Wil Rumble, said Vanderhaeghen family chose Young when no one else could help them, and that they all knew “there was no fraud” in Young’s methods.

The attorneys are scheduled to give their sentencing arguments at 9 a.m. June 29 before the judge in Dept. 21 of Vista Superior Court."

Düzenleyen Siddartha - 03 Ağu 2018 Saat 14:06
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